Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Aug 14; At home, my brother ask a favor from me. He like me to help him with his Journal entry entitled, "The Joy of being a Teenager". As I'm doing such, a thing popped up my mind. Why not write about it? It's a good topic that I can relate to. Anyone can. :)

It is said that being in the stage of being a teenager is one of the happiest moment of one's life. I beg to agree.

This stage, the adolescents, are being conditioned by the stimuli present in their environment. Meeting new friends, hanging-out with them, having your crushes, falling in love, going through your first heartbreak, appreciation of teachers in school, experiencing embarassment in front of the class -- all of these, can be found in one's teenage life.

Remember the feeling when you first had your eyes for this particular classmate? You're beginning to feel those butterflies in your stomach... The sudden blushing of your cheeks. The light and wonderful feeling when s/he is around. It seems like life is so much beautiful, colorful.. perfect! Love makes the world go round. Hayy :) Then SUDDENLY </3. You've learned that this classmate of yours has eyes for another, what makes it worse, s/he's your friend. You don't know what to do. You felt like it's the end of the world, exaggerating. It feels like "Ouucchh, why not me? -___- What's with her/him that I don't have?" Heartbreak. </3 Emo. (Enough for this stupidity. So much of being hysterical)

The question. What's with this stage that one would like to go back over and over again? It is indeed true that everyone of us experienced/is experiencing/will experience this stage but let us face the fact that not everybody can undergo this joyously. Not everybody is fortunate enough to experience the happy life of being a teenager due to some circumstances. But let's look at the bright side of this situation. Teenage Life, for the elders, it's one time of their life that they are very much glad to reminisce, a time of their life that is much cherished. Looking back at their experiences, their "old" way of living this stage. They even compare this to how teenagers of today live this stage.

Today, most of them say that WE have our own way of undergoing such. But the bottomline is the same -- the truth of having this untainted feeling, the Joy of being a Teenager.

Ideas never stop popping on my mind. But I don't need to write about it anyway. Everyone has their own story. And I'm pretty sure, all of us has good things to keep :D

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