Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I miss being a Writer

Years ago, I was able to govern our school paper. Monican Herald (Oh, how I miss you!). I was then the Editor-in-Chief, luckily. That was an exhausting task, seriously. But I never treat that as a responsibility. Rather, I take it as an opportunity -- A challenge that could prove my worth. A chance of showing what I've got.

It never reached my mind that I could, someday, follow the footsteps of my admired co-staffers (whom were then the EIC's in their time). I was just a happy avid fan whenever they come up the stage receiving awards for winning the Press Conferences they've participated. Clapping my hands joyously as the school gives recognition for their excellence. Kudos to all of you! You were my inspiration :)

Now it's my time. My time to shine, not to mess up. Pressure's all over me. School, family, friends, teachers, mentors, everyone -___- I was afraid, yeah, that't the best term to use. It's never my forte to write Editorials. I was trained (?) of writing Features. Even back in my elementary years, I was then part of the RLC Tipster as a feature writer. I never ever tried writing editorials that why when the District Press Conference came, Gawd :-x I feel pity on myself. Hahaha! Seriously. Confidence wasn't in my vocabulary. I'm much expecting to fail rather than to win. Too bad for an EIC, right? Haha, I'm stupid. I admit. Editorials are way different from other writings. You have to be very careful with your words. You have to take a stand, and defend it. Good thing, I was then a debater. It did help. Going back to the District PressCon, different schools from the district level participated in the same contest. Having my scratch paper, pens, and a little bit of courage and determination, I've entered the room and partake the battle. Awarding came.. 10th place, 9th... 5th, 4th... I wasn't called yet, my heart's beginning to feel hopeless. Then the emcee called for the 2nd placer. Sta. Monica Academy! I was like, "What? Did I make it?" Oh my! Thank God! I really made it. I was able to made it! =))))

The battle didn't end up with the Press conferences we're into. For me, the real thing was on our final output. The school paper itself. It was a blast. it's fun working with amazing people! The MH Staffers! How lucky I am to lead them, not really leading, maybe just working with them. It really felt good to have such determined staffers! They didn't leave me hanging. Together, we did our best having the output. And yes, we did it! We did it really nice. So heart whelming! Fulifilling in my part. There are still many problems we faced, and solved of course --- Together.

I just feel writing this. Sorry. Didn't able to run through everything. -__-


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