Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Package: Two amazing Animations, countless Learnings included! :) (Another Movie Analysis )

One and a half hour was too much for us to view two amazing video clips but that time wasnt enough for us to digest every little but significant lesson there. These stories by Mr. Max Lucado were so simple, uncomplicated. And its presented via cartoons so viewers wouldnt be that bored and rather, enjoy the activity.
Lets go through it one-by-one. The first video entitled HERMIE, A COMMON CATERPILLAR was a rampant situation nowadays. Were not just aware but sometimes, we act like him. We do everything to be DIFFERENT, to stand out, which in the end proves us one thingthat were becoming who are NOT US. Were doing things that we thought we should because maybe, it should be that way. WERE DOING THINGS OUR WAY. Its just like: MY WAY, or NO WAY! The endpoint: We find ourselves talking to God and worst, questioning Him WHY? Just like what Hermie, the Caterpillar keeps on asking God. He always compare others with himself that in the end, it frustrates him knowing that others has something he doesnt have. But God, who tirelessly repeat these words: Im not finished with you yet. Im giving you a heart thats like mine., is somewhat striking us. Though God doesnt gave us everything, he gave us a heart thats like him. Moreover, He loves us even we dont love ourselves the way we are. Thats HIM. We should always remember. And just like what Hermie had realized and stated: I have a great God and that makes me special. We are all unique in every little way. Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of BEING YOU than YOU :)
Next video: BUZBEE and the GRUMBLEBEES. Whew! I definitely love the story. Also, the song which keeps on saying, You have to Bee-have in the Bee-hive. A story focusing on the importance of having good manners. Reality hurts. Really, youngsters nowadays think of practicing GMRC as an old-school act. They say its boriiiinnnnnggg. Yeah maybe, but its worth it. Uncle Buzbees plan, together with the help of some friends, worked! From the GRUMBLE bees, Beebee and Buddy, turned to well-BEE-haved Bees. So happy to see the transformation :)
All these words will be useless without application. Max Lucado leave us a challenge of LIVING the things weve known, the lessons earned. Good luck to everyone! :)

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