Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Lesson to Keep

Movie: Sister's Keeper

            That movie was a great piece full of heart-felt performances. You can really feel what Anna’s trying to convey, her longing for mother’s love, as well as in Jesse’s case, and what’s really is Kate’s desire not anymore go on with the surgery.
            In the Philippines, that scenario (Anna going to the office of Campbell Alexander in order to hire him to sue her parents for the right to her own body) is more likely to be impossible. Here, because of being family-oriented, will not find it hard to give something for our someone. But on their case, we can really see that Anna is willing to give (as she always did) anything for her sister’s sake. But it is Kate herself who insist that Anna should not and also, she forced her to hire a lawyer for a medical emancipation. Anna, as an obedient and loving sister, though painful for her, had to pursue the case as what Kate wants. Here, we can see how Anna played her role as a “younger sister” – who easily follows what her elders said. This just says that whatever happens, whatever it takes, your family will always be your family. They will be there whether you like it or not. They’re willing to help, care and love for you even though you don’t ask for it.
            Another lesson. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. The ending of the story shows a good example. Sara, their mother is expecting or let me say ‘waiting’ for Kate’s death, but this sad twist of fate happened. It’s the other way around. Anna together with Campbell met an accident. And sadly, Anna didn’t able to survive. The good thing here is, still, it’s Anna’s will that is favored. Her kidney was donated to her sister, at last.
            Life is short. We all know. We don’t own our life, we just borrowed it. So whatever your reason is, you can’t really say you can do anything with your life. And then you’ll say, who cares? It’s your life? Nah. It’s not even yours! We’re just the ‘caretaker’. So be thankful. Never waste your life with nonsense. Whoa! I’m talking too far from the movie. Well, just a plain reminder. Have a good life! (:

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