Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy little thing called LOVE :)

Based on a True Story... of everyone <3

Just wanna share with you a NEW FOUND FAVORITE. It's a Thai movie starring MARIO MAURER as P'Shone (The Love of my Life. HAHAHA!) and Pimchanok Lerwisetpibol as Khun Nam. To make it a sort of summary, Here: Nam is a young and ordinary highschool girl, unattractive with nerd glasses and dark skin. She has a big crush on a heartthrob senior, P'Shone, at school. (I also have a big crush on him! :D) To make him see that she exists in his world, the girl tries to improve her physical look and attempts to become the star at school. However, her crush seems not to pay any attention to her yet. Ooops. I guess this is enough :) I recommend this movie. It's worth watching! I promise and guarantee you! :D

I hate to say this. As much as I want to upload the movie, I can't :( I'm having a hard time. REALLY. Just check it on Youtube. I wish they have the copy :>

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Lesson to Keep

Movie: Sister's Keeper

            That movie was a great piece full of heart-felt performances. You can really feel what Anna’s trying to convey, her longing for mother’s love, as well as in Jesse’s case, and what’s really is Kate’s desire not anymore go on with the surgery.
            In the Philippines, that scenario (Anna going to the office of Campbell Alexander in order to hire him to sue her parents for the right to her own body) is more likely to be impossible. Here, because of being family-oriented, will not find it hard to give something for our someone. But on their case, we can really see that Anna is willing to give (as she always did) anything for her sister’s sake. But it is Kate herself who insist that Anna should not and also, she forced her to hire a lawyer for a medical emancipation. Anna, as an obedient and loving sister, though painful for her, had to pursue the case as what Kate wants. Here, we can see how Anna played her role as a “younger sister” – who easily follows what her elders said. This just says that whatever happens, whatever it takes, your family will always be your family. They will be there whether you like it or not. They’re willing to help, care and love for you even though you don’t ask for it.
            Another lesson. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. The ending of the story shows a good example. Sara, their mother is expecting or let me say ‘waiting’ for Kate’s death, but this sad twist of fate happened. It’s the other way around. Anna together with Campbell met an accident. And sadly, Anna didn’t able to survive. The good thing here is, still, it’s Anna’s will that is favored. Her kidney was donated to her sister, at last.
            Life is short. We all know. We don’t own our life, we just borrowed it. So whatever your reason is, you can’t really say you can do anything with your life. And then you’ll say, who cares? It’s your life? Nah. It’s not even yours! We’re just the ‘caretaker’. So be thankful. Never waste your life with nonsense. Whoa! I’m talking too far from the movie. Well, just a plain reminder. Have a good life! (:

Life is short. Make the most out of it.

Little by little, I’m becoming a Movie Addict. Title: “The Bucket List”. That was a story of two people, who by circumstances, turned out to be good friends. One was ‘extremely’ rich, while the other’s not so. What I’ve remembered was their very first meeting was in the hospital wherein they’re both sick, with a tremendous disease. Even the treatment of that hospital to the two was different. The rich one always talks about business, with his Personal Assistant always on his side, while the other one, treasures his family so much. End point, they’re really dissimilar to each other. The billionaire (rich) found out that there’s this list his companion was keeping. A “bucket list”, a wish list hopefully to be done before he die. His companion got up who was then sleeping when he’s reading the list, and got a little bit mad for it was too private for his part. They end up filling the list with some other ‘wishes’ particularly destinations they want to go. The even listed they want to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world, witness something majestic and laugh until they cry.  They came up with the decision to ‘give up’ the medications and fulfill their list. First thing they’ve done, skydiving. Then, they get a tattoo, car racing. Afterwards, they travel to the jungle of Africa, the pyramid of Egypt, the Taj Mahal at India, the great wall of China, climb at Mt. Everest and finally Hongkong. The billionaire didn’t new that there’s this plan of his companion of taking him to his daughter. When he knew it, he got really mad, torn the bucket list and left him. He then got home. With open arms, his family, happily, accepted him once more. While having a good time with his family, he had a heart attack (?). He was then confines to the ICU with a critical condition. His friend was informed and quickly come to visit him. They meet, finally, after they part ways in front of his daughter’s house. A piece of paper was given to him with her dying friend, and they burst out into laughter. He then gave him another copy of the bucket list with TWO remaining points. TO KISS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD and TO WITNESS SOMETHING MAJESTIC. Afterwards, his friend died. He promised himself that he’ll fulfill the remaining. He then go to his daughter ask for forgiveness. On the later part, the billionaire also died. Their remains was put in a metal box that can be found on the top of the snowy mountain. That was something majestic. At the end, the movie leave is with simple points. LIFE IS SO SHORT, we should FIND OUR PURPOSE, and try TO LIVE IT. Our FAMILY were the best people on earth and there’s no one that can replace them. MONEY CAN’T BUY EVERYTHING. Be inspired :>

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Package: Two amazing Animations, countless Learnings included! :) (Another Movie Analysis )

One and a half hour was too much for us to view two amazing video clips but that time wasnt enough for us to digest every little but significant lesson there. These stories by Mr. Max Lucado were so simple, uncomplicated. And its presented via cartoons so viewers wouldnt be that bored and rather, enjoy the activity.
Lets go through it one-by-one. The first video entitled HERMIE, A COMMON CATERPILLAR was a rampant situation nowadays. Were not just aware but sometimes, we act like him. We do everything to be DIFFERENT, to stand out, which in the end proves us one thingthat were becoming who are NOT US. Were doing things that we thought we should because maybe, it should be that way. WERE DOING THINGS OUR WAY. Its just like: MY WAY, or NO WAY! The endpoint: We find ourselves talking to God and worst, questioning Him WHY? Just like what Hermie, the Caterpillar keeps on asking God. He always compare others with himself that in the end, it frustrates him knowing that others has something he doesnt have. But God, who tirelessly repeat these words: Im not finished with you yet. Im giving you a heart thats like mine., is somewhat striking us. Though God doesnt gave us everything, he gave us a heart thats like him. Moreover, He loves us even we dont love ourselves the way we are. Thats HIM. We should always remember. And just like what Hermie had realized and stated: I have a great God and that makes me special. We are all unique in every little way. Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of BEING YOU than YOU :)
Next video: BUZBEE and the GRUMBLEBEES. Whew! I definitely love the story. Also, the song which keeps on saying, You have to Bee-have in the Bee-hive. A story focusing on the importance of having good manners. Reality hurts. Really, youngsters nowadays think of practicing GMRC as an old-school act. They say its boriiiinnnnnggg. Yeah maybe, but its worth it. Uncle Buzbees plan, together with the help of some friends, worked! From the GRUMBLE bees, Beebee and Buddy, turned to well-BEE-haved Bees. So happy to see the transformation :)
All these words will be useless without application. Max Lucado leave us a challenge of LIVING the things weve known, the lessons earned. Good luck to everyone! :)

It’s Now or Never

            All we have is now. Take it or leave it. When we are born, God has given us the freedom to live life the way we wanted to be. Time is given for us to consume. It will be up to us if we choose to live it right or the other way around.
            I remember a Tagalog song entitled "NGAYON". It emphasizes the START or beginning of life wherein you are in a “fresh” world given the CHOICE to live it right. Time is too precious to be wasted. Strive hard and learn from our shortcomings. If opportunity knocks, listen. We never know, that might be the last. Grab any chance you can have before it’s too late.
            Life is full of chances, of choices. The world is wonderful. It just change depending on how you look at it. Learn from the past, focus on the present, and reach for the future.
            Life, yes, life is but a short ride in the roller coaster. There are twists and turns that make you shout. The sudden movement that almost made you cry. But after wards, as you take your step down that ride, you’ll be feeling a great deal of satisfaction. A feeling wherein you thought you’ve done something. That’s why we’re here. We are here for a purpose. And we should start right away. As in NGAYON, now. Try to leave a mark, a legacy. Never waste your life for something, rather offer it to someone. That someone, the only one, GOD.
            The point is so simple. We should value LIFE, and that is through TIME which is NOW. God isn’t “nagkulang” to us. We have the time, the strength, everything. Now, is the moment for us to ‘move’, to respond, to be the best that we can be! And similarly to what I’m talking about, it tells us one thing. “Life is short, so make the most out of it!” Keep moving fellas! :)

We've watched the movie entitled THREE IDIOTS. It was awesome! Great story.

Teaching is different to the manner of teaching itself. That was what the ‘3 Idiots’ particularly Rancchoddas “Rancho” Shyamaldas Chanchad pointed out. This was a quotable quote I’ve got from the movie which was delivered by Farhan Qureshi: “Today my respect for that idiot shot up. Most of us went to college just for a degree. No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status. But none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last.” Rancho was in school not because he want something in the future but rather, he want to make the most of what he have right now. I remember a scene there wherein Prof. ViruS let him ‘teach’ Engineering in front of his classmates impromptu. What he did is he make them guess the meaning of a certain word (which unknowingly, is an ‘invented’ word derived from Farjan & Raju’s names) in 30 seconds. It’s not that he want to fool people but he just want to make them feel the PRESSURE imposed to them by that institution. Great example is what happened to Joy Lobo after what rejection he got from Prof. ViruS. He committed suicide. Cause: Pressure.
            Another moral lesson of the movie was gaining and having trust to yourself. It is said that our heart hears what we say. Rancho’s “All is well” is adopted by his colleagues. It’s their way of saying, “Everything’s alright.” Yes, it doesn’t solve the situation entirely, but it gives you the courage to face it. Be strong, believe in yourself and ALL IS WELL.
            We don’t need to show what we have just like what ‘Silencer’ Chatur always do. Instead, show them what you’ve got. Show them what you truly can before ‘announcing’ it. I believe, too much WORDS will kill you, so better show it through actions.
            On the later part of the story it showed that the Rancho we know is an imitator. But he grab the opportunity given to him to feel the joy of learning and on the later part, feel the heaven of success.
            The lesson is simple. If you want to be Rancho, Believe. Trust. Strive hard. And you’ll be successful. Never mind all the obstacles, it’s part of it. Fight. You’ll see in the end, everything you’ve done is worth it. The choice is yours, you can be a ‘Silencer’ too if you wish. If that’s what you’ve think you want to be, this I say to you, THINK TWICE. :)

Simple things, if you go beyond, can make BIG changes.

Days pass. People change. But the problem of the society’s the same old story. What can a first year college like me can do to help the country? Take note: HELP…COUNTRY. Maybe everyone, even the oldies might think it’s hard to help SAVE this nation. But, don’t you worry. Simple things done by simple people like us can mean a lot. These small things, whether good or bad, can cause our land to experience poverty or prosperity, respectively. Here’s my list: 10 things I can do (You can, too.) to help my (Our) homeland.
©      Learn the habit of Respect. From things to animals, especially when it comes to people. Why? If we learn to respect one another, we will not find it hard for us to understand our differences. And if that’s the case, we will now be able to consider some things that even though we don’t fully understand, if that’s what a certain person thinks that’s right, we’ll accept it because we respect them. In simpler context, if one aims to make a change , and has his own “version” of doing it, we will not be that rude to disagree. We have our own free will, and intellect. We know what’s right or wrong. (This might not be that “connected” in how I can really help the Phil’s. But I do believe, if EVERYONE of us learned how respect should be practiced, there will be a GREAT CHANGE. Not only in our country, but to the whole world as well.)
©      Learn to follow the Rules. Every institution, from churches to schools to homes, has their own set of rules. In our country, the government had imposed  rules and regulation for us to follow. But how come people find it hard to pursue with those rules, to think that even a Grade 1 pupil can do these? If we will be able to follow even the simplest rule here in our society, I assure you, we can also follow the largest and broadest rule a government can enforce.
©      Learn to know and act GOOD. It is said that human’s nature is to do good. Anyway, AGAIN, God gave us our own intellect and free will. We should act accordingly, for we know how to. How can our country be placed on the right path if on the very first place, the people living there is traveling on the wrong way?
I think I’m becoming too broad. My ideas mentioned was too general. Too explain further, the following are some SIMPLE WAYS a simple citizen like me can do, which at some point they thought won’t make any difference.
Young as I am, we only think of what we can have, what we can do. We don’t take things too seriously. Or in other words, we don’t TRANSCEND. We don’t usually GO BEYOND. We always look at the front or the “cover”. It’s like we’re fond of doing every little thing we like without thinking of the possible consequences. These are things we can do to lessen the “mountainous” problems of our fatherland. Anyway, we’re created as stewards. We’re the workers and at the same time, the caretakers.
©      Learn to minimize the use of Energy & Water. There will come a time that our energy & water supply will broke up. Do we need to wait for it before we make a move?
©       Learn to maximize the use of Paper products and other school stuffs. For every one sheet of paper, how many trees have been cut? One way of reducing this, is instead of sending reports or communication letters through hand-outs or print-outs, we can sent it via email or call.
©      Reduce the use of plastic products. We know how harmful plastics can be, especially when it’s not disposed properly.
©      Refrain from going from one place to another. Better walk. Or if it’s not convenient to do so, we can use other alternatives such as using bicycles which doesn’t makes use of gasoline and don’t cause smoke. No smoke, no harm for the people. By doing so, we’re becoming transcendent being. We’re going beyond. We’re not just thinking of our own but for the good of the hordes.
©      Proper disposal of garbage. If little by little we’re able to practice this, this will be beneficial not just for our country but to the whole world as well. In our small way, we’re able to lessen the waste of our country.
Another way is through valuing what is truly ours. As interveners, specifically as patriots of this country, we should at least make it a habit to “move”. Anyway, patriotism isn’t about the thought or feeling of helping, it’s about taking action. To wit, we should:
©      Buy Pinoy Products and refrain from buying and/or using imported products.
We aren’t just aware. Everything we do has an effect. Remember, we’re interconnected. What we do, not just affects us, but affects everyone.
©      Lastly, Learn to value YOURSELF. Learn to value your dignity. How can you be able to value others if first and foremost, you don’t know how to value yourself? As I have said, we’re social beings. Whatever we do, affects others. Just like what Mahatma Gandhi have said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
 To sum these up, we can make a change.. How? Through LEARNING. Learning what One SHOULD know.
That’s the very first thing to do.